Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

Finding Content Conversion Services

There are numerous content conversion services providers operating in the market to provide you with all your content conversion requirements. Building and establishing online presences is important these days as consumers are getting online when buying, shopping and doing all necessary transactions.

Content conversion services are offerings that help businesses and customers convert important files, documents and information into files that can be posted and used via the Internet. If you are operating and maintaining a Website, it is necessary to equip your site with all the necessary information and data that would make consumers and online users flock and regularly hang out on your site, and eventually make purchases coursed through the Website.

Because content conversion services are designed and made for the Internet, it is just logical that there are numerous and various online sites and businesses that operate to provide such services. Not surprising is the very high demand and need for content conversion services. If you would scout the Internet for available content conversion services, you could see that indeed, there are too many of such content conversion services operating actively in the market.

How to start looking for content conversion services

Starting to look around for content conversion services should begin not tomorrow or the other day but now. The search process could be as simple as checking through the popular search engines. Thus, Internet searches are basically one of the most useful and important means on how any consumer, business or online initiative can find and secure content conversion services.

As always, there is a rather hard fact to consider when buying content conversion services. That is the price tag. Costs of content conversion services are almost always just practical, but for almost all small to medium-sized business people, they are already astronomical. Several surveys and actual responses over the use of content conversion services attest that nowadays, prices are one factor that hinder them from easily and quickly securing and investing for content conversion services.

Conventional means

If you are searching for good content conversion services, you should look by the conventional means there are. As a refresher, when you buy a commodity at the market, you would easily make comparison to actual prices at shops and stores. Content conversion services are to be found online.

These days, content conversion services are considered the most sought-after. Online businesses know how and why. Content conversion services, as mentioned earlier, are very much compliant and confident that people, particularly in the remote areas could have access and use to them. Thus, it a real and developmental challenge for just about any business.

Other than that, traditional means of disseminating and marketing content conversion services abound in the market. Whether you are relying on the Internet and the traditional businesses, it is important you make sure the venture would not fail due to complex technology transactions.

Taking recommendation

It has always been recognized that it is more practical to learn from the experiences of other people. Thus, if you are finding content conversion services, it would just be necessary if you would take the heed of your friends and acquaintances. Recommendations from experts and professionals would also help make you create and implement wise and logical action related to the business.

It would not hurt certainly if you would take advice and recommendation of other people, who are more exposed to the industry than you. Consider that when you strive to find content conversion services.
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What Are Back End Application Solutions?

If you are quite familiar to the world of Internet businesses, you surely have encountered back end application solutions. There are many Websites that offer and sell such products, a proof that indeed there is market and demand for such goods. Back end application solutions abound in the market, and almost all important and active businesses and companies are investing in them.

If you are new into business operations, particularly Internet-based ones, there is a need for you to be resourceful enough to know back end application solutions better. Knowing more about the products would help you get the notion that they are helpful, advantageous and necessary to whatever type of business.

What are back end application solutions and how are they helpful to businesses? Perhaps, the best way how anyone could strive to answer the question is to know more about back end processes first.

In the conventional office operations there are basically two ends of business processes, namely, the front and the backend operations. The front end is of course involved in facing customers and traders up front. Such operations involve sales and actual trades. The backend operations are those that are involved at the back of operations. They provide support and backup to the front processes.

To put it simply, backend operations involve document filings and retrieval systems. When you transact businesses or trade, the paper you put up are to be filed. It is the main responsibility of the backend unit to take care of the production and filings of such transaction papers. In the world of online businesses, back end application solutions are computer programs that are designed and developed to facilitate back end operations.

Who need back end application solutions? Almost every business with online presences needs back end application solutions. In fact, even businesses operating conventionally can very much benefit from securing and installing back end application solutions. Doing so would help better and more effectively organize business and filing operations.

Because back end application solutions are involved in facilitating backend operations establishment, one can easily infer that basic applications involved and integrated in such solutions are office and documentation related. If you would look at the popular and usual back end application solutions available in the market, you would see that such applications are really helpful and are necessary.

Sales order processing is one of the main and basic features of back end application solutions. With this, the computer system is running to document and take note of sales transactions. This is essential for accounting purposes and for organization. If there would be problems in the future, it would then be easier to retrieve receipts and important sales document. This is also a must-have for auditing purposes.

Back end application solutions are helpful in inventory and purchasing management. There is no need for the manager to personally count and check sales volume. Records would clearly show actual transaction number for procurement and inventory.

Customer management is one area of business that is also helped by back end application solutions. By this, the business is assisted in taking down account history, contact information, concerns, price lists and sales information. If your business has a customer support unit, investing in back end application solutions could be a great help. That is because back end application solutions can indeed be integrated with customer help applications.

There is no excuse for your business not to invest in back end application solutions. If you are intending to organize your documents and files and if you are aiming to prevent potential documentation problems in the future, it is a must to buy and secure back end application solutions.

Pros Of B2C E-Commerce Solutions

Electronic commerce is in a boom currently. That is not surprising given the fact that the Internet has become a potent venue where products and services can be rolled out these days. While the online media was originally conceived and developed to facilitate information dissemination, many businesses and ventures have struggled and succeeded to turn it into a convenient and bankable trading media. The rise and popularity of B2C e-commerce solutions is a proof of this.

Many online companies and businesses are struggling to secure and use B2C e-commerce solutions. That is not very surprising. Through the years, companies and ventures, which embraced and utilized e-commerce strategies, have been attesting that online presence and operations are very effective and beneficial. If you are starting up your own small-scaled or home-based business, for sure, you are considering securing and using B2C e-commerce solutions for your business.

Why would it be helpful to you if you would use B2C e-commerce solutions? For one, these solutions would provide you and your business the best and most effective options to help promote, advertise, market and operate your startup.

What are B2C e-commerce solutions?

It would be appropriate to first look at what B2C e-commerce solutions are. B2C is short for business-to-consumer, in contrast with the equally popular B2B, which stands for business-to-business, where transactions are done between businesses, usually suppliers and distributors. B2C e-commerce solutions are computer software or applications that are specifically developed, designed and sold to help businesses carryout operations to directly transact with consumers.

To better understand the concept, look at the usual and standard operations of most manufacturers and businesses, Manufacturers or producers of goods make the products. To reach the market, such goods are coursed first to marketers or distributors, who are responsible for selling the products to consumers. In other words, distributors are serving as intermediaries. Logically, distributors collect commissions or impose added costs to the products' tag prices.


The first advantage of B2C e-commerce solutions is that systems for businesses to transact directly to consumers are established. In turn, consumers would get fairer and more affordable prices for the goods. Because distributors are eliminated, added costs to the tag prices are also eliminated. B2C e-commerce solutions are facilitating establishment of online tools. Thus, consumers can look at and buy the products and services online.

As mentioned, online, direct transactions help lower the overall prices tag of products or commodities. Other than that, added costs could be prevented as both businesses and consumers are avoiding intermediaries. Shopping for products or goods is facilitated faster and is significantly made more convenient. Adjustments to prices tag can be made easier, faster and more instantaneously, to the direct advantage of the business.

If your business would decide to invest in B2C e-commerce solutions, you would be delighted that part of the package is integration and design of call centers, which would help the business boost up. Call centers or customer support services are necessary add on and facilities have help boost sales. Most B2C e-commerce solutions are integrated with such call center services facilities.

The advent of broadband

While in the past, the speed of Internet connection has always been an issue, technology these days have managed to introduce new solutions to accelerate transactions online, Broadband Internet is now a sought-after technology. And it has effectively made Internet connections and information transfer faster.

With the rise and popularity of broadband, B2C e-commerce solutions are now more useful and helpful. If you aim to boost productivity and sales of your business, invest n B2C e-commerce solutions and see why most businesses are satisfied with such applications.

Avoid Getting Caught by Phishing Scams

Have you ever received an e-mail that was just too good to be true? Were you ever personally selected by an African prince who was willing to share a portion of his millions with you for a small favor, and of course your bank account information so he could send it to you? While these scammers certainly had some takers, many people recognize these types of scams. Many people know if it sounds to good to be true, it isn't true and it certainly won't be good. These types of scams are referred to as "phishing," pronounced just like "fishing," because thieves are in fact baiting people for personal information that they can use to steal from them.

As the public has become more suspicious, phishing scammers have become even savvier. Instead of offering the public something too good to be true, they began sending messages too scary to ignore. Many fell victim to phishing schemes where consumers believed they were being contacted by trusted Amazon.com or PayPal. E-mail messages were sent out telling victims that their accounts may have been compromised and they needed to click on the provided link, log-in and change their passwords in order to protect their accounts. Instead of protecting themselves, victims were handing over their information to thieves.

Some e-mail accounts will "catch" these phishing e-mails before they catch you but there is also software that can be installed with detection programming that recognize more standard phishing messages. With software, most of these messages should be delivered to your junk mail or spam mail boxes. Even with reliable protection, as phishing schemes become more sophisticated you need to take further steps to protect your identity and personal information.

What can you do to protect yourself from phishing scams?

1) NEVER give out any personal information, even something as simple as your address unless a person is known to you and you are certain you are on a secure on line site with encryption.

2) Be sure to use spam and phishing control options on your e-mail account and carefully monitor your e-mail messages.

3) Be very suspicious of any e-mail message that asks for personal or especially credit card information. Beware of any e-mail that asks you to click a link provided as it may take you to an unsafe site. Remember, if your information has been compromised your bank or service providers will contact you by regular mail not e-mail.

4) You can also utilize Snopes.com for information on scams, frauds, urban myths or viruses before responding. If you forward e-mails, they may contain tracking information and that puts your contacts at risk as

5) Use a software program that protects against phishing. Some antivirus and anti spyware programs also protect against phishing. Know your features and whether or not your protection program includes phishing. Software by Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky and Panda may meet your needs.

6) Never respond to these messages. It confirms they've reached you and continues the cycle.

7) Rather than click on a link provided, close the e-mail, open a new window, type in the address of the company (such as Amazon) and check their site for this information.

Lastly, it is so important to report any of these schemes to the institution being misrepresented. This helps stop phishing in more than one way. The institution can attempt to stop the fraud and they can also warn other customers. Additionally, creators of phishing detection and protection programs can use this information to improve their products and better protect consumers from phishing scams and identity theft.

By becoming knowledgeable of phasing scams and following these tips, you can avoid taking the bait and being reeled in by identity theft cons.

What is a Pay Per Click Campaign

A pay per click campaign is one of the easiest and quickest ways you can drive traffic to your company website. It is also a controlled method you can use for traffic purposes. There are many different things to think about with a pay per click campaign.

The primary purpose is to reach the consumers who are actively looking for the exact products and services your business offers. People looking for your specific products and services are exactly what you want to generate. The things you can control with a campaign like this are the amount of traffic driven to your site, the point of entrance for your website and the type of traffic you get.

A pay per click campaign works by placing small text ads for your site in the listing pages of search engines. When you look at sites like Google, Yahoo, and MSN there are sponsored listings at the top of the pages and along the side. These advertisements are from companies who pay to be there. However, the fees to pay only incur when a user clicks on the ad. This is where the term pay per click advertising originated from. To put the ad on the search engine is free, which is good advertising for your site because people may not click on the initial ad but if they are ever looking for a service you provide they could remember your company name. Your business is only charged when someone shows interest and clicks on the ad itself.

A pay per click advertising campaign will begin by developing a list of keywords displaying how you would like the ad to be displayed. Some people write ads for individual keywords or with a related group of keywords. The keywords are responsible for linking the most relevant search pages to your site.

The keywords you choose can also affect the cost you pay. There is competition for keywords and companies compete for certain keywords. You will bid on the keywords and based on the bids is where your site will end up in the placement on the search pages. Your placement on the page usually depends on your bid amount and the competition for that particular keyword. The more specific you tend to be with your keywords then the better your chances are of not being up against too much competition.

The way you would measure the success of a pay per click campaign would be the conversions. This means, you might have five hundred people click on your ad and only two people make a purchase. Those two people are considered conversions.

However, if the two purchases don't make up for the cost of the 500 clicks on your ad then you might need to revamp your pay per click campaign or look at other methods for advertising.

A campaign is therefore designed to provide advertising for your website that will drive large amounts of traffic to your business and in return convert into these users buying sales and services offered through your company. You should consider a pay per click campaign if you would like to improve the traffic and sales of your business.

4 Email Strategies to Boost Your Internet Marketing

There is a huge competition for search engine rankings, and everyone's fighting to get to the top. So, there are a lot of other ways to generate customers through Internet marketing. Email is one of the best Internet marketing tools that you can use.

I Fought The Law

Spam is undoubtedly illegal. You can't legally send spam or unsolicited email to multiple recipients. Not only is it useless, it's annoying, illegal, and disrespectful. No one likes spam, and no one cares or opens spam.

However, remember that there are other alternatives to spam email. You can employ other email techniques that will boost your Internet marketing campaign. Here are some of those ways.

The Signature Tool

Basically no one uses that email signature marketing tool, but it has proved to be incredibly useful for Internet marketing. Most people don't think much of the tiny postscript that is placed in a signature tool for an email. But signature tools can generate a lot of web traffic.

Many businesses have enjoyed a huge skyrocketing in the amount of web visitors they host simply by including a signature tool at the end of their emails. Many famous email services such as Yahoo! employed the signature tool strategy. Immediately, millions of people joined their email service. They simply included a signature at the end of every email. This signature informed people about their free email service. In turn, hordes of people signed up.

The Opt-In Strategy

People who come to visit your site may want to be updated regarding new products or services offered by your company. Or maybe they just want to know how the company is doing. So, you can build an opt-in email list. People choose to be included in opt-in email lists. In this way you can update all of your clients regarding your company's progress.
This is an extremely useful Internet marketing strategy.

Whitelists Equal Freedom

Safe lists are comprised of people who have joined a certain list and who agree to receive email regarding a niche market or business. You can send out many advertisements to members of safe lists, but remember to keep the information useful and provocative. You can see these lists at many major sites, such as MSN, Yahoo! groups, and others.

In addition, it's a good idea to establish a different email account for your safe lists, because people will send you a huge amount of email. Yet safe lists, or whitelists are great strategies for Internet marketing.

However, you'll need to create interesting titles so that people will be intrigued enough to read what's in the email. People in safe lists receive a lot of email. You need to distinguish your company from the rest of the crowd.

Also, make sure you join safe lists that pertain to your market.

Ezines Attract Customers

People like to read articles, and if they voluntarily are members of an ezine group, you can post your articles there. Then, many people will read your article, and if you've written it well, they will visit your site. This is a great Internet marketing strategy. In addition, there are a lot more people who are members of ezines than there are people who have joined safe lists.


Remember, email is a highly powerful Internet marketing tool. Do not forget this. You must employ specific strategies in order to successfully use email, but if you are serious about Internet marketing, you will use these strategies

The Time-Tested Internet Marketing Tool: E-Mail

Many online companies are wary of using email as a marketing tool, because they believe that it's too hard to avoid being labeled as spam. In fact, there has been a recent backlash against email marketing. Detractors point to stronger filters, safe lists, and other ISP-created tools as their evidence for denouncing email marketing campaigns.

For this reason, many companies shy away from email marketing, opting instead to solely focus on SEO and PPC methods. While these methods are very effective, newer technologies, it is a mistake to ignore email marketing, because it can be a very powerful tool.

In fact, there are a few very successful companies that use email marketing as the bulwark of their Internet marketing campaigns. By earning customers' trust and marketing in voluntary email lists, these companies have a powerful advantage over their competitors, because they can directly communicate with their customers.

The Email/RSS Controversy

While RSS technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, the technology suffers from a few limitations that prevent it from completely replacing email as a marketing tool. First of all, email is nearly ubiquitous in today's world, whereas RSS feeds are limited to a narrow group of people who are searching for specific, pigeonholed information. Next, email has a simpler and more personally customizable format, while RSS requires that the user spend time customizing his or her feed requests. In this way, email is more user-friendly, simply because people have been using it for longer.

If you really think about it, email will always be a recognizable part of the Internet, whereas RSS occupies a fringe market. This is especially true on the global scale. Therefore, email trumps RSS when it comes to Internet marketing.

Blogs are More Fashionable, but Email is more Reliable

In the mid 1990s, the Internet world suffered its own Influenza epidemic. This is known as the Spam War. During the spam war, sleazy, get-rich-quick scammers overloaded people's inboxes with spam, or junk email. In response, many ISP's designed strong filters to resist spam. Additionally, many people took protective measures to defend themselves against spam. Many businesses abandoned email marketing altogether, instead opting to use blogs as a marketing tool.

However, the facts tell the same story. Email marketing is an effective , proven way to increase your Internet marketing campaign.

An Online Marketing Dream: The Opt-In Email List

Opt-In email lists are composed of a group of people who want to be included in a certain company's email list. While many companies mistakenly believe that no one wants to receive their email, the businesses who choose to employ opt-in email lists receive great benefits from this well known method of Internet marketing. However, instead of trying to sell something through their opt-in email listservs, these marketers choose to send highly relevant information or developments about the company so that they may boost web traffic to their site. It's very simple and very effective.

Safe Lists: A Safe Way to Ensure Web Visibility

Email safe lists are comprised of subscribers who visit a web site and then voluntarily choose to receive email from a corporation or company. It's similar to an opt-in list, but slightly different because the user initiates the action of joining. Many reputable companies have earned huge amounts of money by utilizing email safe lists, simply because when these lists grow to a certain size, it becomes inevitable that a huge amount of people visit the site. It's good to practice and hone your skills when writing emails to a safe list, because you want to provide useful information to the recipients of your safe list.


Email marketing can drive a huge amount of web traffic to your website. Do not neglect this extremely strong marketing tool when you are drafting your Internet marketing campaign. It's always good to communicate directly with consumers, especially if they are choosing to receive email from your company. As long as you follow the basic rules of SEO and you use common sense, email marketing will increase your web visibility and provide you with a wealth of new customers.

Extra! Extra! Internet Marketing! Read All About It!

You can skyrocket your web visibility by simply writing several well-written articles.

We know for a fact that articles are effective, because various marketing groups have done studies on them and found that they significantly increase web visibility. They can drive up the amount of visitors to any web site. In addition, they usually target web visitors that are most likely to become customers. In other words, people who read articles are way more likely to become customers of the site that the article refers to.

Unfortunately a lot of people slip and fall when they try to implement this form of Internet marketing. Here are a few ways to improve your results from articles.

Customize Your Approach

You need to customize your article so that it reaches the right audience. Many companies write articles in order to increase their web traffic. These companies strive to garner links from other websites. This is valuable because if other websites link to your article, then your search engine ranking skyrockets.

Some articles exist in order to bolster the public relations aspect of a website or business. These articles are a great way to promote business, provided that they are done right.

However, the overall goal of most articles is to increase web visibility so that website enjoy a greater customer base.

Remember, the best way to write an article is to clearly outline your goals before you begin writing. Articles with clear goals have a higher chance of achieving success.

The Treasure: Resource Boxes

Remember to include something special in your article, especially within the resource box. If you include some kind of discount to your customers, or you have a flashy logo, include it in the resource box. Resource boxes have been known to drive traffic to websites. These function strongly when people are considering on what to click on.

Getting The Word Out

You need to get the word out about your article. This means you need to do whatever you can to get it maximum exposure. Submit it to high-volume, high-traffic sites, send out blast emails, promote it on your site, find content sharing sites and submit it to those sites. It's way more valuable to submit your article to the right sites than it is to high quantity of sites.

Also, take a look at one important thing: the article directory. You can learn a lot about Internet marketing by studying article directories. In addition, this is a great way to determine what article directories actually drive traffic to your web site.

Getting Email Subscribers

Be sure to include some kind of opt-in email offer in your article. Many people will click on this and subscribe to your email service. It's a great way to communicate directly with your customer base. Also, it's voluntary, so people will enjoy joining the list since they have the power to determine whether or not to receive email. Email marketing is a great way to promote your product.

These methods of article marketing are all tested and work if they are employed correctly.

How to Be a Successful Internet Marketing Fisherman

It's easy to catch a whole plethora of links on the Web. In fact, some cutting-edge bloggers and writers have managed to garner a universe of links simply through their strong writing skills, while denser types slave away at writing volumes of dull content, only to find that no one cares. Simply put, the successful bloggers have demonstrated that they are proficient at the science of link-baiting. And it truly is a science, one that can be learned through practice.

If the Bait is Delicious, the Fish Will Bite

The most important issue is to design or make a tempting bait so that web visitors will visit your page.

People love to hear about what's going on in the news, so you can use world news as a bait to draw your readers in. The reason for this is that current news is fresh content. Fresh, new content attracts visitors, always. Look at the success of the Drudge Report. Current news organized into a provocative design has resulted in immense success.

Imagine if you were one of Drudge's link partners. You would immediately reap the generous rewards of Drudge's current-news baits. In addition, The Drudge Report itself has garnered an astronomical rise in search engine optimization due to the amount of inbound links it has generated. (Inbound links are non-reciprocal links, for instance, when someone links to your site, but you don't link to theirs, you are receiving an inbound link.)

The more raunchy and provocative the news is, the more likely people will click on the link.

Bloggers Know Where It's At

People love to talk, especially on the Internet and in the Blogosphere. Bloggers often respond to current events and other developments in the world. This will create a firestorm of a discussion. The odds are, a great number of people are discussing this subject, because what is discussed in the blogosphere is what people are currently talking about.

The fat cat, well-established, most famous bloggers will undoubtedly take a stand on this issue. Therefore, in order to distinguish yourself from the crowd, start a debate. Take a stand opposite these punks. Who do they think they are, anyways? Make sure you study the content carefully so you can provide a well-reasoned defense of your argument. Doubtless, after your post, there will be rivers of links pouring into your site.

Make sure that you conduct a comprehensive subject of the study at hand. Speak as an expert. Don't drop to bad taste or libel.

The Cardinal Rule of Web-Fishing: Be Humble and Respect the Fish

Set up a disciplined fishing schedule so that you are regularly providing content to these blogs. It's really great if you can write three times a week, but once a week should do. Just like in fishing, sometimes you'll catch a lot of links, and other times, you won't catch any. But most of the time, you'll catch a grouping of links, little by little. The important thing is to be patient and humble. Baby steps. But the more you go out link-baiting, the more links you'll collect, and in turn, the higher your site will be ranked. SEO experts know that link-baiting works, so the best experts suggest it as a sure-fire way to improve your search engine rankings.

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Hosted CMS and the University: A Winning Solution

In an era where digital content continues to grow at an exponential rate, organizations of all shapes and sizes struggle to manage and create content. .... institutional Web sites. Together, a CMS and a sound content management strategy can combine to address the complex, everyday Web challenges of higher education.